Listing Exchange ActiveSync users and device information

Thursday, October 29, 2009 by BBTUNA
In How to get a list of Exchange ActiveSync users we list EAS users on Exchange 2007. Some users may have more than 1 device, or perhaps the user simply got a new smartphone and the old device partnership has not been removed.

Output from Get-ActivesyncDeviceStatistics -mailbox

FirstSyncTime : 12/22/2007 1:34:10 AM
LastPolicyUpdateTime : 12/22/2007 1:34:43 AM
LastSyncAttemptTime : 1/14/2008 7:45:15 AM
LastSuccessSync : 1/14/2008 7:45:15 AM
DeviceType : PocketPC
DeviceID : *******************************
DeviceUserAgent :
DeviceWipeSentTime :
DeviceWipeRequestTime :
DeviceWipeAckTime :
LastPingHeartbeat :
RecoveryPassword : ********
DeviceModel : WIZA100
DeviceIMEI : ************21900
DeviceFriendlyName : Pocket_PC
DeviceOS : Windows CE 5.2.19134
DeviceOSLanguage : English
DevicePhoneNumber : 1650*******
Identity :\AirSync-PocketPC-*******************************

The * characters in the Identity field are for the DeviceID.

Here's a a quick code snippet (it can probably be scrubbed up a little... ) that will list users and all their devices, along with first sync and last successful sync times:

$mbx = get-casmailbox | where {$_.hasactivesyncdevicepartnership -eq $true -and $_.identity -notlike "*CAS_{*"} ; $mbx | foreach {$name = $; $device = get-activesync devicestatistics -mailbox $_.identity; $device | foreach {write-host $, $_.devicemodel, $_.devicephonenumber, $_.deviceid, $_.FirstSyncTime, $_.LastSuccessSync} }

Update: 10/2/2008:
Making it more efficient: Filtering on the server-side using -Filter
Well, the above code could be scrubbed up a little. Rather than getting all mailboxes using Get-CASMailbox and filtering them on the client-side using the Where-Objectcmdlet, a more efficient way of doing this is filtering on the server-side using the -Filter parameter, and getting only the mailboxes which have an ActiveSync device partnershp.

Yes, I've just realized HasActiveSyncDevicePartnership is in fact a filterable property, listed under Advanced Filterable Properties in Filterable Properties for the -Filter Parameter in Exchange 2007 SP1.

Here's the updated version:

$mbx = get-casmailbox -Filter {HasActivesyncDevicePartnership -eq $true -and -not DisplayName -like "CAS_{*"}; $mbx | foreach {$name = $; $device = get-activesync devicestatistics -mailbox $_.identity; $device | foreach {write-host $, $_.devicemodel, $_.devicephonenumber, $_.deviceid, $_.FirstSyncTime, $_.LastSuccessSync} }

The output looks like this:

Bharat Suneja WIZA100 16501231234 353B7ACF5014C020CE22CBF1DB7FFD92 11/5/2007 7:41:29 AM 12/20/2007 11:00:15 PM
Bharat Suneja WIZA100 16501231234 7E6B67F47DFD370E89BE13280A75EAA5 12/22/2007 1:34:10 AM 1/14/2008 7

$mbx = get-casmailbox -Filter {HasActivesyncDevicePartnership -eq $true -and -not DisplayName -like "CAS_{*"}; $mbx | foreach {$name = $;$identity = $_.identity;$device = get-activesyncdevicestatistics -mailbox $_.identity; $device | foreach {write-host $, $_.devicemodel, $_.devicephonenumber, $_.Identity, $_.deviceid, $_.FirstSyncTime, $_.LastSuccessSync} }

Posted in | 2 Comments »


Anonymous said...

Thanks, nice script. One note is that changing from a write-host to a write-output will let you dump the output to a text file:

$mbx = get-casmailbox -Filter {HasActivesyncDevicePartnership -eq $true -and -not
DisplayName -like "CAS_{*"}; $mbx | foreach {$name = $;$identity = $_.identity;$device
= get-activesyncdevicestatistics -mailbox $_.identity; $device | foreach {write-output
$, $_.devicemodel, $_.devicephonenumber, $_.Identity, $_.deviceid, $_.FirstSyncTime,
$_.LastSuccessSync} } > C:\somefile.txt

Anonymous said...

I have a query.. What is firstsynctime? as I see in my exchange firstsynctime shows 2015 and last successful sync shows 2013. and user account is in disabled state.

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